I have an old car that broke down recently – A new revelation for me. My kind mechanic says that I’ve over-heated the engine! Well…being so eager to head home, I ignored the warning sign on the dashboard and eventually killed the engine (before I could reach my place)! A very important lesson for me that day! He says, just stop the car, let the engine cool….pour in some water and drive again…this is safer and better! Wow…that is simple...I can do that!
It strikes me today when I was thinking about the incident! Many times, we choose to ignore the ‘warning sign’ in our life that is trying to tell us to slow down, maybe this tiny body needs some rest! Instead of paying attention to the sign, we pretend we can still push further and in no time! We’re burnt out and killed the ‘Body’ eventually. So don’t ignore the sign…slow down, take time off or simply RELAX! Cool down, pour some water in and then move again. This will surely enable us to move safely and smoothly in this journey in Life.
At 2:56 am,
Jason is Bizzi said…
oh wow, she has decided to blog.. welcome..
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